I often hear from people “the treasure of this life” or “it is easy for him, see how his life is beautiful” and similar sentences.
Will you trust me if I tell you that the quality of your life depends only on your choice? Sounds familiar to you, but far from possible?
When we talk about people who do not live their lives the way they were given, I would divide them into two groups:
The first are those who imagine that they are better, who express their desire for something, but they must not let go. What they already have often belittle, and at the same time, they secretly long for something else. They are not action, although at first glance they look like that, they even return to their congested space unfit to work before the start.
They shine their eyes, approaches their subconscious longing, and when they feel that it really does, they escape with or without excuses. If it is an emotional aspect, they are those who seduce the object of their longing and when the object shows some impulse or responds to their call, they abruptly withdraw by denying their participation. If what they did become obvious, they will quickly find some illusion of pleasantness from their own lives and cover themselves as a reindeer over their heads denying everything that has happened. If you go towards them, you’ll get a cold slap. And the coldest people remain the worst burns.
In this category of people, the dominance is the lack of courage, the knowledge of one’s own personality and the insufficient ability to work on oneself and reacting to life situations. Fear holds them in denial and if you try to explain it to them, they will sharply fight on the side of their weakness. They are prone to drowning in social groups and living by the rules and expectations of the world around them regardless of quality. They are rarely individual and independent, and this is where the key to their failure lies.
They will never publicly recognize themselves in this explanation. While they read this text, either they will not recognize it or the inner voice will say: “He exaggerates and exaggerates, it’s not me”.
They always live half-life, flipping through the book of their lives, but they never understand it deeply and are incapable of enjoying it. If in this explanation you recognize potential emotional partners, give up immediately, they will never be brave enough to take a step to accept themselves and what they feel towards you and where anything that is part of you. You can not inspire them to change, they can only do it themselves.
Their life is their choice, so do not judge them. Let everyone live how they decide to just protect themselves. I read somewhere: either we live with full lungs or we live in routines that are coming back as the stagnant air in the old house. Our only is to respect the way they are, and we try not to let them make the most horrible sin to us – the killing of love.
The second category of people, of which stories, are those who never observe the object of their passion. Denial in their minds is so powerful that they are not aware of either what they feel or who they feel towards or about what they feel. They usually live in a monotonous life in which there is no joy, beauty and love. They are usually occupied with problems, negative attitudes to the world outside themselves and do not notice their own life. They are completely unaware of themselves, they routinely rolled the pedals of their lives, focused on the pedals rather than on the way they go. The only way I can help myself, in order to get out of this life magnanimity, is to work on myself through spiritual exaltation.
In this category of people, they are less likely to emotionally challenge another person, according to which they feel something, because they are not even aware of it. In this way they have less chance than the previous group of people to kill the love of others, which is one of the greatest sins that can be committed.
You must be aware of the feeling that you have caused to other people, and be responsible for it. Playing, even at the subconscious level, and pulling out of the game carries with you a huge sin of killing love. This condition changes the energy of your biofield and leads to permanent damage that can cause various negative changes and diseases.
One of the most difficult cases of murdered love, in my practice, I saw a young woman who was immobile. When we met, I thought it was a kind of damage to the spine that led to the immovability of the lower part of the body. This was also confirmed by the medical history she brought with her. In her field I saw killing love – seduction, provoking strong emotions with one guy, and then reckless rebellion. I’m not writing about the details because that’s the personal matter of the person concerned. That this was confirmed by a strong feeling of warmth, during the treatment, in the feet, and the movement of the fingers that the woman felt at the moment when I was aware of the event. Unfortunately, murdered love has led to tragedy, it was late and it is impossible to correct the mistake. That’s why the woman never walked.
This is one of the drastic cases, but it’s enough to realize that every killed love leaves a trace in your field and, therefore, in your life.
Although this life is only one in a series of incarnations, but only now you have this body and this opportunity. This life is too short to allow yourself to have the lack of courage, giving up your own internal fire and giving up the beauty that this life has given you. Breathe in your lungs and do not let your fear and denial allow you the full heart of the love you deserve because there is no coincidence.